Wednesday, January 30, 2013

I'll be There Someday...

Well, as you do. I have several places that I really want to visit. There are lot of city or island in Indonesia or in the part of other country even other continent on this world, but there is one place that I want to go soo badly, well what is that? .....Venice, Italy.
 1. Venice, Italy
Since I've been in High School, I do really wanted to Japan, but-- it changed. Now I want to go to Venice, Italy. Well I've forgotten since when I wanted to go to Venice but I have to promise to myself that I have to be there someday.
Why do I want to go to Venice soo badly? Simply, because I love Vintage, and Venice is a vintage city. Venice has no land to drive in car. Venice is a city in northeast Italy sited on a group of 118 small islands separated by canals and linked by bridges. Wow! is that wonderful? If you want to go somewhere far, you must use canal. Like the picture above. So, there is no pollution and really comfortable place for taking pictures :D

2. Bangka Belitung and Raja Ampat, Indonesia
Although Indonesia has Bali, I prefer Bangka Belitung and Raja Ampat Papua to visit for beach. I know Bali is a well-known place for holiday, and world also know Bali is an amazing place but they missed to visit Bangka and Raja Ampat.
Bangka Belitung.
Rainbow island
Look! How beautiful Bangka, isn't it? Just like the island from fairy tale that Princess Ariel lived. Maybe, I want to take pra-wedding photo shoot in Bangka :p hehehe and it's not so far away from Jawa island soo maybe I still can reach that place in the near future :D
Raja Ampat, Papua.
You know, I still merinding when I look to this picture. What a beautiful island that Allah made for us. The sea is really really blue and has two kind of blue. Subhanallah! It's not only a painting but it's real! Hm even Raja Ampat is in Indonesia but it's too far from my place. Maybe if I go here someday, I will spend two weeks or even more? Haha because I don't want to leave this kind of place fast.

3. Rinjani Mountain, Lombok, Indonesia.
Of the mountains in Indonesia, I prefer Rinjani Mountain to visit. Well, I'm not hiker but yeah deep down my heart, I really want to hike there. So, Lombok is not only have beautiful beaches but also mountain right?
Rinjani Mountain
Look! is that a lake or crater over there? Well I don't know till I witnessed my self to see it.

4. Manchester, England.
I WANT TO WATCH MANCHESTER UNITED MATCH LIVE FROM OLD TRAFFORD!! AAAH! I've been crazy liking MU. Because of my Dad, I like MU verry prety much now. Huh! Well, someday I want to visit Old Trafford with my Dad and watch MU match live! Amiin!
Old Trafford, Manchester, England.
5. Mekkah
Actually, Mekkah was the first order of the list that I want to visit, but why I put it in number 5? Still, for me it's just like my obligation if I have money. If I have a lot of money, I will go to Mekkah first, then going to the other place that I want to visit above :")
you must already  know this the most beautiful place, right?
I can't stand my self to look Ka'bah from my eyes, when does the time come? We'll just wait and see yaa ;;) Keep pray for me that I'll be there someday. At least I'll be in Mekkah. About the others, let Allah gives me the way :D.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Went Out with My BF's High School♥

Ulalaaaa~ finally I met them!! My Forever BF in High School. Aiss (Mba Icha), Berlian, dan si tokoh satu ini yang udah pernah mampir di postingan gue sebelumnya, Mitha.
Ki-Ka: Aiss, Farah, Mitha, Berlian
Okay, on the beautiful Saturday, we went to Depok haha this city again. Ya gimana ya? kita dipersatukan karena dekat sih dan emang biasanya tempat hangout kita emang di Depok yaudah kembali bernostalgia *ceilah*
Well, gue bener-bener dibuat stress sama lalu lintas kota Depok, sumpah ya! Gilaaaak! Macetnya ngga nahan udah mau nyaingin Jakarta aja, especially in Jalan Margonda Raya. Sumpek, panas! Pft! Kalau ngga inget gue bakal ketemu tiga shabat gue ini, ngga bakal deh rela pusing-pusing lewat jalanan Depok yang sudah mulai menyamai ramainya Jakarta. Ya emang sih, it was Saturday, 'kay? Running into Saturday night lol. ketauan banget ga sih kalo sekelompok cewek-cewek berkeliaran bersama sahabat-sahabatnya di Sabtu malam itu berarti dia jom--I mean single? LOL. Well, we are.
Dimulai dari Aiss putus, gue putus lalu Mitha yang terakhir putus. Kita belum kembali menemukan sebelah sayap yang kita butuhkan untuk terbang *halah kenapa jadi ngomongin beginian?*
Okay, first-- we had lunch of course! Setelah melewati macetnya jalanan, tentu saja si perut udah mengemis-emis minta dikasih makan. We had lunch on food garden in Detos hehe

After having lunch, we went to the theater! We watched "MIKA". Buat gue pribadi, gue sih ngga akan repot-repot nonton film Indonesia yang biasa, which is sebentar lagi juga bakalan muncul di tv atau di youtube, Iam right, right? Tapi, untuk film-film tertentu kayak film-film based on novel dan filmnya Adipati Dolken, gue sebisa mungkin meluangkan waktu dan isi dompet buat nonton hehe.
By the way, kenapa gue mau nonton MIKA? Karena, film ini juga based on novel. Have you ever read Waktu aku Sama Mika? If you have read, you must want to watch the movie right? Especially the lead role for actor is played by Vino G. Bastian. Pasti nambah mau nonton kan? Ya, kalo gue sih bukan karena Vinonya, tapi karena isi novelnya. Novelnyai tu kecil dan tipis sih tapi nyentuh banget. Itu bercerita soal Indi yang menderita skoliosis dan berpacaran dengan Mika yang ODA (Orang Dengan HIV?AIDS).
Tetep ya, bagi penggemar novel, manapun ada film berdasarkan novel, biasanya sih penggemar lebih menyukai novelnya. Begitupun dengan film MIKA ini, I seriously more like the novel than the movie.
Right, after watching MIKA, we went to Margo City which is exactly exist in front of Depok Town Square. Suddenly, all of us want ice crem soo badly. Tapi gue sih tetep mau waffle. So here we go, to The Pancake Parlour in Margo City.

Tiga minuman cantik di Sabtu malam. *Psst punya gue berdua Ais makanya minumannya cuma ada tiga*
Dari ketiga minuman di atas, yang paling enak, tak lain tak bukan punya Mitha (yang palIng kanan) called, Blue Ocean. Enaaak deh! seger, manis, asam! Yang tengah itu Fruit Punch Parlour punya Berlian, rasanya kayak jus tomat campur jus strawberry kali ya? Juicy banget! Dan yang terakhir yang paling kiri, itu minuman gue sama Ais, namanya sih Blueberry mint--something-- I can't even remember the name, yang di fotonya sih  ada creamnya tapi pada saat itu creamnya habis(--") dan rasanya sumpah ya! kayak pasta gigi! Namanya juga mint sih, tapi iyewh! Really tooth-paste taste!
The main course
Finally the pancake and the waffle come!! Yiaay! Enak bangeeeet! Delicious the best lah! Biarpun mahal sih yaa, tapi I don't any regret at all! Emang yang namanya waffle dan pancake itu harganya segitu ya? huhu :"> Well, it's not the matter what you eat, but with whom you eat :">

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The End of First Term

Well, it really turns fast, I mean, the first term is over now!! Wow! What a fast? It feels like yesterday I was being ospek, and now?! Welcome holidaaaay!! Cheers!
Dunia udah benar-benar buat kita sebetah inikah sampai satu semester ini terasa cepaaat sekali :") apa tandanya kalau dunia semakin mendekati hari akhir? Well, who knows? but for now, just enjoy the world, right? :) *or enjoy the holiday I mean*
Sebenernya, semua temen2 gue udah pulang duluan tuh dr mulai hari Jum'at sampai Minggu lalu. sedangkan gue?? hari Selasa boo' karna harus menyelesaikan tanggung jawab gue untuk menyerahkan proposal fotografi. oyeah, sebelumnya gue berniat untuk menuliskan calon novel (baca: zigot) gue disini, tapi kedua teman gue yang amat mengerti era zaman sekarang yang sedang heboh akan radar copy-paste, Dinda dan Muthia, bilang daripada nanti zigot gue dilahirkan sama orang lain dan ga ketahuan, mendingan gue keep sampai ada penerbit yang mau publish zigot gue. Sebenarnya, target gue sih di usia 18, and I'm going to be 18 around two weeks later but? What can I say? zigotnya aja belum rampung. biarpun ada waktu satu tahun sampai gue mengakhiri masa 18 tahun, tapi... tetep aja gue harus berusaha menyelesaikan zigot gue yang dalam masa pembuatannya adaaa aja halangannya (baca: males) *don't try at home, kids! ;)*
Kiera, Bella, Debbie, and Aga. Wait!! Mom will make you all done in the good time. Tunggu Abi pulang yah? :')*sampai pada waktunya*
btw, biar asik kan (baca: ga bisa dicopy-paste) ada caranya ya biar ga bisa diblock? Hm..

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

An Entertainment in The Middle of The Exam

The funnest thing is when you are in your test but in the middle of it, you go out with your friends and you are treated by them :D. Yap! minggu lalu ketika gue baru menyelesaikan tiga mata kuliah gue di Ujian Akhir Semester, gue hang out bersama teman-teman SMA gue. and the most important thing was... I was treated by them hehehe secara gue adalah mahasiswi normal yang ngga akan nolak gratisan, sooo here I go! uang yang gue keluarkan kurang lebih hanya untuk nyewa motor, which is--yakali pake angkot? naik taksi berasa hedon banget kan? yaudah deh akhirnya gue pergi ke kosan Asaduddin Al-Ghozi a.k.a Marko (jauh banget ya?) bareng Dodol a.k.a Maula. Disana, sudah beristirahat dengan tenang--no no I mean udah ada yang leha-leha aja tuh yaitu si Hasan Azhari dan temennya (I forget his name by the way). I'm only the woman in that room, but unfortunately, my besties ever, Dyah Ayu Pramithadewi a.k.a Mitha udah datang bareng Adeline Putri Rachmah a.k.a Adel.
Well--agaknya virus mager sedang mewabah di seluruh bagian lapisan kulit bumi, termasuk di Indonesia, Pulau Jawa, Provinsi Jawa Barat, Kota Bandung, dan lebih tepatnya di daerah Dipati Ukur. Sooo kita cuma ngobrol-ngobrol sewuuu aja sambil mencela Marko *maafkan hamba Paduka* ditambah hujan rintik-rintik yang menambah kemageran kita disana. Anyway, cuaca dingin lebih membuat kita lapar kan? So akhirnya para pemuda makan dengan lauk seadanya, ada banyak makanan dari Padang soalnya Marko abis dijenguk atau apa gitu yaa, and here they gooo. Satu bakul--no no it's not bakul. What can we say with a place to cook rice in the magic jar? yeah, just name it, 'kay? Mereka nawarin sih nawarin, eh ujung-ujungnya juga abis-__-. Marko bilang, "kalo mau makan masak nasi aja FAR, tuh berasnya disitu ya," gue masih ngga ngerti kenapa gue mulu yang disuruh buat masak nasi, pernah waktu di kosan si Dodol juga gitu, gue disuruh masak nasi sama Dikky-_-. And Marko said it twice by the way, dan nyuruhnya pake nama gue aja gitu huhu tapi gimana ya? males juga masak nasi, belum dicuci pula tempatnya. yaudahlah sabar aja sambil main-main di iPhone gue *baca: Adel* (AMIIN!!)
Sang empunya kosan, Bung Marko haha shakky ya gambarnya abis dia gamau difoto-_-
Bung Hasan yang entah gue geli banget sama model rambutnya yang kayak boyband-_-
Bung Maula. Sok banget sih fotonya-_-

Miss Adeline, sorry agak blur fotonya, cuma ada yang ini yang sendiri
Last but not least, Mitha, my besties, my iyewh best friend haha

 Well yeah akhirnya setelah berbincang-bincang then Hasan went home with his friend. Kemageran kembali melanda kita, tapi karna perut yang sayangnya ngga bisa diajak kompromi, akhirnya kita jalan ke depan lalu makan di Black Romantic. One of cafe or resto or (not? Lol) in Dipati Ukur, which still opened in hour around 10-11 PM. suasana yang agak romantic gitu, karena ada lampu-lampu hias buat kita merasa lagi skydinning lol.

can you see the light outside? hihi :3

Candid shot paling bagus kayaknya haha
Photo was taken by Marco

I keep thanks a lot to Mitha, yang udah mau traktir kita dinner tengah malem gini haha by the way She was on birthday on January, 8th. Thanksss mithaaa love yaa soo much {}
Besoknya, kita jalan-jalan lagi dooong :D setelah menghabiskan malam di DU, dan pulang keesokan paginya ke kosan Mitha di daerah Taman Sari, sorenya kita kembali wisata kuliner ke Setia Budhi untuk bertemu Vidya. Well, gue bener-bener ngerasa beruntung tinggal di Bandung, yeah surga dunia rasanya hehe. Disana kita berkunjung ke kedai manis nan lucu, "Rumah Surabi Imut" yang berada di Setiabudi, di samping Enhaii. Kebetulan lagi Sabtu malam, jadi benar-benar rame sampai waiting list segala. Untungnya mata gue menangkap satu meja kosong dan kita langsung menghambur *lebay* duduk disana and finally order what we want :3

cute and addicting! Love it <3!!
Oh ya, ada takoyaki dan okonomiyaki yang enyaak dan harga miring loh!
 See? Ga bakal nyesel deh datang kesini. It's addicting so much you know! Apalagi Surabi toping oreo plus ice cream (pesenan gue) soo Laziiz!! Thanksss a lot buat Kakak Vidy yang mau mraktir kita ehehe._.V sering-sering ya kak. So what are you waitin' for? Go there soon! *berasa iklan gue* ;;)
See you soon gurls!!!